Monday, September 14, 2009

How am i going to use blogs in my group lesson ideas asssignment

I can use blog to:

1) Provide info ( learning resources, assignement )
2) use poll to check students comment
3) add widgets

Thursday, September 10, 2009

My take fir ICT lesson 6

Today i learnt about the use of a function in excel that can be used to simulate data.

I learnt how to use form control to perform this function:
Developer - > Insert -> scroll bar (Form control )

With this function, I can then change the data and the data will then be automatically updated in a corresponding chart ( graph ).

Also, I learnt that for some charts in excel, the origin will not start from zero, but will start from a value of say 1. However, we can manually change the value to make it confrom to zero

Monday, August 24, 2009

How can blogs be used to support meaningful learning ?

Blogs allow publication of ideas/discussions of the sudents It also allow other users such as other students or the teacher to give comments and critique the students' idea.

Blogs can be used for meaningful learning. For meaningful learning to take place, there should be both self directed learning and collaborative learning. The self directed learning happens when the student read other students' comments/ideas of other students and in the process reinforcing and improving his knowledge on the subject matter. Blog is also a form of collaborative learning. For example, a group of students working on a common project can all contribute ideas to subject matter in the blog, thereby enhancing their learning in the process.

Thus blogs is a common platform where discussions and thinking happens. A blog is more of a learner-centred teaching approach whereby the focus is on the students to learn new skills and acquire new knowledge.
to develop learner-centred activities using blogs.

A blog can be used by the teacher to manage and monitor learning activities of the students. In the same way, the blog also helps students themselves to manage thier own project.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

New Phase of life

I will be embarking on the next phase of my life.
Wish me all the best !

Friday, January 2, 2009

Greetings everyone !

Hello everybody.

Welcome to my blog.

Hope to hear from you soon.